Fun with GoogleDocs API

| Jan 1, 2015

I wanted to document some code for accessing documents (only spreadsheets at the moment) through GoogleDocs using the DIDE cluster and R.

Getting started.

The R code is fairly self explanatory but involves two little tricks to get it to work: (1) manipulating the GoogleDocs URL to export the document as a csv and (2) changes the privilages on the document such that anyone with the link can edit (done under sharing).

# Set working directory.

# Install RCurl on cluster.

# Now, with the desired GoogleSpreadsheet open in your browser copy the "Key" (the series of numbers and letters after /d/...) from the URL and insert it where [yourDocumentKey] is.
url <- "[yourDocumentKey]/export?format=csv"

# In your browser, go to "Share" and alter the document privilages so "anyone with a link can view".

# Load up RCurl (bitops is required by RCurl so best to load that too.)

# Set ssl.verifypeer to FALSE.
myCsv <- getURL(url,.opts=list(ssl.verifypeer=FALSE))

# Parse csv data.
testCsv <- read.csv(textConnection(myCsv))

# Print out result.

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